Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Maybe there's something to this...

I'll be honest. I really like editing pictures and videos on the computer. I constantly like making desktop backgrounds and banners for sites like this. I made the slideshow that played at my wedding. It's a secret passion of mine. Or maybe I just use it as an escape. Give me software that I can tamper with and make something creative and professional-looking with and I will love it. While making my new banner for this blog today I finally said something outloud that I've secretly known for a while. I really like doing this. I really like creating and editing things like that. Maybe I'll do stuff like this on the side when I get out of school. I don't know who would want me to do it, but I think I'm pretty good at it and the perfectionist side of me keeps me editing these things until I get them just as I want them. Speaking of which, the banner still isn't up to standards yet...but it's getting there. I just couldn't wait to get it up on the site. Give me feedback. What do you think? This is your chance to be like Simon on American Idol. Is this something I'm good at? Or should I become a CPA, where I can't even pretend to be creative?


lighty said...

Hey buddy I think I need your expertise to create me a beautiful header for my blog. I just can't compete with your awesomeness

Anonymous said...

I'm the same as you. I love making videos and such things for my family. Hey, when do you work at Fox Sports Grill? I worked last night and wen over there on one of my breaks to see if you were working.

Anonymous said...

Bummer dude, I'm at the Scottsdale store those days.

Jason Palmer said...

It looks great! I mean it could always use a dancing baby going across the screen, and some psychedelic rock playing in the background... and I don't see Obama as one of the words on... well, I think it fits you and your site perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I think your header is great and very creative...it can always be another stream of income for you. YAY!