Sunday, February 24, 2008

The great balance of money and time

This week my wife and I attended Element at Highlands Church, a service for the college-aged and young adults. The pastor was talking about his ability to sit and spend time in God's word in the morning and then go to church and be able to discuss what was revealed to him with other pastors. I found this to be a fascinating idea, to consistently have time in the mornings to be still and listen to God and his Word. I only get a couple days each week where I can leisurely sit down in the morning and read through God's word and pray. I really wish I had time to do that every morning. But my life and my career path lead me in a different direction. I'm busy with school and internships and work. I'm not saying that I'm too busy for God, but I'm too busy to have the full time to sit and really be still before Him, giving Him all possible time to talk to me. I think this is common in life. It seems that there are two paths. One path is rich in time, and not so much in money. These people are allowed freedom of thought, peace of mind, and a calm spirit, but not a financial peace. The other path is to be rich in money, but eating while driving and talking on the bluetooth while also reading emails arriving by the minute on the blackberry, meaning no time to oneself . . . you get the idea. These people experience more financial stability, most of the time...assuming they don't take their riches to heart and buy everything they see. But they also lack peace in their life. I think they lack the fullness of life that God offers. There are some individuals who can adequately balance these two paths, but it's very rare I think, and I would love to talk to one of these people to know how they do it. Maybe God sends them messages on their blackberries or maybe they do devotions in their sleep. Who knows. The point is it's hard to do. I found it interesting to think that we have a choice in this life. We choose daily how we will spend our time, money, and energy. I know which of the two paths I'm on. Which one are you on? I bet we have something in common. I bet we have something in common with the other 99% of america.

1 comment:

Jason Palmer said...

The great Yogi Berra once said "When you come to a fork in the road, you should take it." What does that mean... Only you can decide. Both paths have value, but each path makes you the man you will become. Choose wisely, your whole life depends on it.