Saturday, January 5, 2008


Are the holidays over yet? Yes? Huh...that's strange. I remember getting off school somewhere around mid December. After that, I don't remember a whole lot. I think I moved, went to Tucson for Christmas Eve, went snowboarding in Flagstaff on Christmas Day, and worked alot. I think that's what happened, but it's kindof a blur. I started school on January 2nd, yes the day after New Years. Happy New Year! Now get back to work! To make things even worse, we had 2 quizzes our first day back. Now this is the first time since mid December that I've had time to even post one blog. So I thought it would only be fair to update everyone as to what is going on in my life.

As mentioned, Natalie and I moved into our new townhome on December 19th and have been struggling to find time to arrange everything since then. We still have many things in boxes which has rendered us unable to park in our garage. We're slowly getting stuff put away, just not as quickly as I would have hoped. Work has been very busy. We had a week straight of events, which means that the best are there and working alot. So Natalie and I were there alot. Natalie is a server trainer and has been there longer than any of the others, and our new bar manager told me that he wants me to be the head bar trainer. So the managers want us there to help keep things together. New Years Eve was one of those nights where we were needed. Natalie was unable to be there because she was at an Aunt's wedding in Austin, Texas. Westgate Center hosted one of the largest New Year's parties in Arizona where an estimated 80,000 people were in attendance. Fox Sports Grill is one of the main bars there and it felt like most of that 80,000 wanted a drink from us at one time or another. We were open until 2 AM. The bartenders did not leave the building until 4:30 AM. Enough said.

Christmas Eve was spent in Tucson with my family, and was as great as always. My mom has always done so much to make it special, and this year was no exception. This was the first year that I had a partner for our games. This was the first year that I have been married, and it proved to be wonderful for the games. Natalie and I pretty much cleaned up. We won all but one game, which means mucho gift cards. Basically so we can pretend like we aren't poor college kids once in a while.

Christmas day was spent with Natalie's family. We woke the kids up at 4:45 AM for a surprise trip to Flagstaff for a day in the snow. About half the family skiid and half of us snowboarded. It was my first time on the slopes, and I had to spend about 2 hours in lessons, which Natalie's little brother took with me. After that it was off to the races...if the race was who could end up on their butt the fastest. I would win that. I actually did better than expected, but I was very sore at the end. After opening presents late that night after the whole family got back home, Natalie and I were finally able to come back to the townhome and relax...until work the next day.

1 comment:

Jason Palmer said...

I find it ironic that one paragraph you talk about kicking butt and the next paragraph you're being knocked on your butt... does pride come before the fall? I think the answer is "yes" my friend.