Friday, November 23, 2007

Much To Be Thankful For

This is the first year of many changes. Some of the changes are hard to recognize until the traditions of holidays expose them. This is the first year that I was not able to spend a whole Thanksgiving vacation at home with my family. In fact I didn't make it to my family's house until about 6 PM on Thanksgiving Day. Don't mistake this for complaining. The reason for this jostled holiday schedule is because this is the first year that I am married, which is the first thing that I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for my wife and her family. It's a family that I really feel like I fit in with and enjoy being with. Another large change in my life is my first year in grad school. It's the first year that I have not been in a Christian school. It's the first year that I've really ever had to work hard and force myself to concentrate, which leads me to learning just how small my attention span is. Regardless, I'm thankful for the opportunity to go to grad school - a priviledge that very few people get. I'm thankful for my wonderful family and friends. I'm thankful that some of my best friends are moving into the same townhomes as Natalie and I. I'm thankful that we could get that townhome. As Natalie just whispered in my ear, I'm also thankful that we get to go to Disneyland with my family next weekend, which is my favorite holiday tradition that I look forward to all year long.

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